Monday, January 31, 2005


Greetings Jennifer --
Here is your horoscope for Monday, January 31:

What a great way to start the day -- with a nice, strong dose of romance. Whether you're single or attached, you're going to feel like a teenager. And you just wait -- there's even more in store! is usually somewhat right on target...until recently. I don't take my horoscope really seriously, unless it says "buy a lottery ticket" or "watch for falling debris." The past few days have been way off the mark. I especially like today's message--a nice, strong dose of romance. Hmmm, the most romantic thing that happened today was Turtle looking up at me with a look on his face that seemed to express "you're not too terrible for a human. If you died in your sleep, I'd wait a few days before devouring your carcass, out of respect for the dead."

Greetings Jennifer --
Here is your horoscope for Sunday, January 30:

For the next few weeks, you'll be ready, willing and able to connect with anyone who's 'different' -- which might only mean that they're not from your neighborhood. The more unusual their views are, though, the better.

Okay, I'm open-minded, ready and willing for an off-kilter fella to wander into my path. Unfortunately, last night I was watching an expose on the famous bigfoot-caught-on-camera anthropologist/cryptozoologist argument/debacle all alone.

Greetings Jennifer --
Here is your horoscope for Saturday, January 29:

Whatever you've been up to lately is finally going to work. So if you've been trying to catch someone's attention and feeling like your technique has been less than effective, not to worry. You're golden.

I'm not sure what's up with this one. Nothing has ever worked for me. Nothing ever!

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