Thursday, June 02, 2005

Perky gals and Jen...

I've decided to try to make some new friends and get involved in my community, so tonight I attended the first informational meeting for the Junior League of Birmingham (and also crossed off #59 from the "Countdown to 30.") I am planning on paying dues and becomming a full, active member but at the same time, I think this might be a big mistake. I arrived at the meeting wearing my usual black and was greeted by the entire Lily Pulitzer spring collection. My God, there was soooo much pink. Also, all the girls there were incredibly tan and were all sporting humungous diamond rings. Serious rocks--at least three carats! To be perfectly truthful, it's basically an after-college sorority. I'm not sure I can pretend to be perky at least once a month for meetings. I'm sure I can muster something up.

I'm just in a less than great mood right now. I have a killer headache right on the top of my head. It's been with me off and on for the past three days. I'm pretty sure it's not sinus-related but thanks to certain COBRA problems, I'm very possibly without medical coverage, so going to the hospital is not an option. It's a brain tumor, I'm sure (or a weird migrane.)


ago-go said...

junior league....whatever possessed you to do that? it just doens't sound like a jen kind of thing to do. whay didn't you wear one of you lily pulitzer dresses? you woulda fit right in! good luck with that if you think you'll enjoy it!

jennifer said...

It is a bit off-character thing for me to do, but I really need to meet some new people (in person) and maybe make some connections--good for my current unemployeed state. I'll try it out for a year, see how it goes. Also, the Lilly dresses really don't look right on me; hard to describe.

jennifer said...

Ago, Julie: I think ya'lls might be right. I was never clique-y in high school and I really don't think things will change. I've got all summer to mull over my decision but I'm pretty sure what I'll decide.

I was initially interested in the JL of Detroit because of the every-other year showhouse. Have you ever been to that?? It's really great! Maybe I was seduced by the lure of renovating a big ol' house with a third floor ballroom/movie theatre.

jennifer said...

Julie: the B'ham JL-er's have a year-round fundraising store in Royal Oak called the Bargain Box (I think.) It's all "gently used" resale stuff. They don't have a showhouse (Detroit is the biggest and can raise the most money with the house) but a big part of the remaining fundraising is a cookbook.