I'm the ugly one on the left. This was quite possibly the worst I've ever felt and looked. I'm about 25 pounds lighter these days and not quite as gross-looking, but I'm permanently scarred for life thanks to these dresses. The fact that the sun was in my eyes didn't help much. Sadly, this is a good picture from that day. The other picture I have accentuates the fact that the dress didn't fit, it wrinkled really strangely, and I shouldn't have been allowed to drink as heavily as I did that night.
Also, the dyed-to-match shoes self-destructed before the end of the night.
oh my...it's not you who looks horrible, it's the dress. is that basket weave on the top? you poor soul. thanks for posting it just for moi!
When that pic. was taken, we had been in the dresses for about 20 minutes. See the wrinkles already? It looked MUCH worse at 3AM.
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